Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Speeches and Snuggles

Tears were shed and my children cried too. Once I calmed down, I tried hard to make it right. I apologized, explained, rationalized and justified. I was right after all, just very wrong in how I did it. I chose rightness over relationship.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

'Mercy' means 'Womb'

My grandmother had the ability to make each of her 12+ grandkids and great-grandkids feel like we were 'most favorite.' There was nothing like the bear hugs we experienced as kids -- fully immersive, nose buried deep in her lap with the distinct smell of fried chicken and Avon's latest.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Real and Not Real

My prayer is that he’ll always know the difference between the real and the not real.  Evil is real.  My love for him is real.  My heart to protect him is real.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Life in Death

In her death my grandmother showed us life and in her life she showed us love.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Regardless of the opportunity, there is momentary relief in making a decision because the brain can relax and not spend energy weighing options.  Then the work begins.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Parenting ourselves

This is why Dr. Meg Meeker notes that children have a better chance of growing up if their parents have done so first.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Orthopraxy is louder than Orthodoxy

I don’t know what the founder believes about God or redemption or why things happened to her the way they did. I do know that the organization is not a ‘ministry’ of any church or para-church organization. Instead, it’s a vehicle for meeting people where they are.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Stories written on our heart

‘Because this is your story.  Orcs may not be real, but good and evil is.  One day you’ll have to choose which side you’re on.  One day you’ll have to fight for what you love. One day you may have to pay that cost.'

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