Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't

I sat back down, drafted my email and packed up my bag to reconnect at a later time like some stone-age waiting-on-mom-to-get-off-the-phone-with-grandma-so-I-can-connect-at-28.8Kbps monster.  It was awful.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

“I don’t know how you do it…”

You can do it.  My bride can do it.  Her challenges are unique as are mine, yet we wouldn’t change anything…so just say ‘good morning.  Glad you’re here.'

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Moments of Obedience

We may not audibly hear the voice of God.  Perhaps it will be intuition, perhaps conviction.  Whatever it is, I pray it follows a pause and precedes obedience. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

It was…a lot

Still, the magic of Christmas is the pageants and the caroling, but it’s also sleep-overs with cousins and grandma in her bathrobe until 11:00 because she’s making cinnamon rolls and playing Candyland.  Again

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Wonder is always real

My bride, channeling her inner Tolkein whispered, “shh…you’re now the keeper of the Claus." In a moment, they changed.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy


That was her criteria for gift-giving this year: ‘it must be magical.’  It was certainly easier to hide behind the story of Santa, but now we work.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Dude, you’re trying too hard

It’s counter-intuitive to the uninitiated, but true strength comes from knowing when to use a sword not from waving it around, trying to impress people with your sweet ninja moves.  People get hurt that way.  People hurt themselves.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Honey Buns and Helping Out

These high-sugar, pre-packaged, made-by-the-truckload pastries were compensation for my labor and became part of the routine.  A quick stop at the Golden Gallon for a $0.25 Little Debbie honey bun warmed in the microwave and a chocolate milk began the day.  It was the breakfast of champions, providing the necessary motivation for a 10 year-old boy, even if limited in nutritional value.  

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