Lowering the Waterline
There’s no rushing off to work to avoid loading the dishwasher and no ‘gotta get the kids to baseball’ to avoid having the difficult conversation about the quality of the TPS reports.
Little Shop of what-just-happened
It’s like when somebody would bump the machine at Showbiz Pizza and extra tickets would spit out. Winning. Or so I thought
The Gift of Separation
COVID-19 gives us the chance to reset our rhythms, calibrate our hearts, nurture our relationships and listen to our souls. There are undoubtedly soul-level hurts previously unknown due to the pace of life: souls are tired, relationships strained, hearts need healing
When the lights go off, purpose shines
Jorge needed to cook and did so, whether for take-out or for as an act of service. His essence needed to feed people
Unprecedented to Unwavering
What if our search for ‘precedence’ shifted to ‘assurance.’ ‘Unprecedented’ is unknowable. Yet, we do know a lot. I know a lot.
We are built for community
We were built for community. We are made to touch one another. Our lives connect at the dinner table and around fire pits.
The vulnerability of creating
What if the author needed to write as an expression of her aliveness; a necessity of her existence. Her obligation then, is to the act of creating, not the consumer. Her soul needs to write.
We’re always in conversation
This is why it's important to stand in one another's stories -- it helps us understand the voices to which they’re responding.
Some days stuff breaks
I sat at the table with wet clothes strewn about the kitchen while the goopy-eyed dog begged me to throw the ball. I felt done. So I started the bath tub (until I remembered that water heater had died).