Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Mission Leak & Mission Creep

A nonprofit, as part of its articles of incorporation, must have a mission. Incorporation papers do not require that mission to be well written or clear, simply that one exist.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

'Because I must...'

His daily newspaper habit shifted from his favored Arts section to the hockey box scores in an effort to connect with a Canadian buyer

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

I do. I will. I want. I need.

As a wedding goer, “I do” signals the transition to cake. As a groom, they signaled an opportunity to kiss my bride in front of our parents. Oh, and a lifetime of love and dedication.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Essential? Really?

And then the existential questions set in: what does essential really mean? How is my work at the essence of surviving this pandemic?

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Cult of Heroism

If there were a live-action movie that combined the egos of Marvel: Civil War, the politics of The Incredibles and the darkness of Batman, it might look like CNN on any given Tuesday.  Should it? 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

When 1 + 1 is less than 1

The reality is that marriage is dynamic and messy.  The reality is that as individuals, we change. Marriages and individuals go through seasons. 

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