Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Giving the Gift of Receiving

While perhaps brash, Barry was right: gifts are a two-way transaction. One person receives a casserole and the other the chance to serve.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Living Outliers

The business world will often round up or down in getting the last few percentage points because the effort for precision exceeds the value found in complete accuracy. But that doesn't work with people. Or at least it shouldn't. People aren't 'rounding errors.'

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Service value chain

Even if we’ll assume that she was having a hard day and that her life is actually hard, I’m still left with my question: how much do I tip the server?

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

The cost of being right

My admiration with 'right' put my wife on the side of 'wrong' when we disagreed. I was right. She was wrong. I won. She lost. She became an idea to beat rather than a woman to love.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Life doesn’t fade to black

I took a deep breath and realized that no one was getting up from the table. There was no cut to commercial; no fade to black. Rather, what was left of the meal grew cold.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Pull the revolver…

I suddenly felt vulnerable to something against which I didn't know I should be wary, leaving me wondering if should I have a revolver?

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Bigger or Better

So I wondered, does it matter?  I mean, both organizations were able to serve more people.  Do they really need to keep pace with the population growth? 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Today’s Bread

'Every day' is made up of a lot of 'todays,' yet 'daily' suggests a length of time and commitment that 'leftovers' does not. 

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