Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

A far off reality

So which is real?  French tips or French fries?  Pedicures or potty time?  Can they both be real at the same time?  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Where are you?

As my friend John notes, 'reality is our friend. Everything else is fantasy.’  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

In charge and in control

'You must always stay in control," noted the region's Guinness designee, "but you'll never be in charge."

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

"I just have to say it"

She almost seemed relieved, as if her comment were an itch that had just been scratched.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Big boy questions

As students we were asked to wrestle with topics we never imagined, citing writers we never heard of, to grapple with ideologies we didn’t believe and argue with others from towns we’d never known.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Growing into our stories

Our brains are built for harmony and our souls for integrity and discord doesn’t sit well in our souls.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Romanticizing the Past

And yet, the kids love to tell their friends that the tarnish came from their grandfather when he was a boy.  Knowing that Papa was once a boy and that there is proof is also real.  They like that. So does my wife.  Guess who’s getting another flux capacitor for Christmas. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Leadership is about what we allow

Casting vision is fun and is an important part of leadership, yet leaders are made on the front lines, doing the hard work of making vision happen. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Grace is expensive

Grace always costs somebody something. God's grace to my friend cost me my friend. God's grace to me cost the Creator His Son.

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