Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

The impact of absence

They were true guys, honest and full of integrity with one persona.  Yet their girlfriends brought out a softer side of them — a side that opened doors and put underwear in the drawer.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Stickers as stripes

Each sticker is earned, yet with varying degrees of cost. The trick is, like reading a soldier’s lapel, know how to decipher the code — of both the symbols and the intent of the communicator.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Shadowmen and Light

Both men were fluent in the shadows, yet neither anchored their healing in the light

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Roads and Banks

Roads were built to protect the front lines or to take the gold found in the ground to the bank where it could be turned into whiskey and a mortgage.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy


When I leave home every morning, she lives her life and I live mine, so the first few moments after reentry should be focused on 'tuning in' to where she is.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Dissonance and Resonance

A little extra noise suggests authenticity -- the realness found in the pops and cracks of vinyl records.  Too much noise and the silence becomes more cherished than the sounds.  The work is on me as a listener (be that in a concert or in a church).  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Uncommon response

The responses I received at mile marker 254 also came from the stories of these men.  One, quite sure of himself, wanted to measure up, or more likely, measure me down.  The import, by contrast, no longer sure of himself, quizzed me looking to resurrect some part of himself long forgotten. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Cultural Averages

In this group, there are a few core opinions that must be aligned, yet other opinions are up for discussion, so one’s rebuttal must include 3 facts, 2 opinions and 1 contrarian view.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Supposed To

’Standard’ should include the word ‘range’ and ’supposed to’ should be buried deep in the ground. 

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