Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Do you enjoy cream in your coffee?

It's the first time I've been ask if I enjoy cream in my coffee.  I had to pause and think about how I experience cream in my coffee and if that experience is enjoyable?  That was the point, wasn't it -- to enjoy the coffee? 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Supervised separation

I left feeling confused: thankful to have helped, grateful for the officer of the peace, sad for my friend, confused at how it all arrived here. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

When Junior surpasses Senior

Yet tension exists: who birthed whom? Who has the power?  Where do the funds come from? Who pays for renovations in the shared space? Who makes the decision about masks when the rules for schools are different than those of houses of worship? 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

I ran into Rick Warren

He felt that my attempts at puddle-o-bubble cleanup were an act of service -- of love.  I sought simply to avoid liability, yet the one in whom 12,000 sets of eyes would soon be focused was focused on me in gratitude. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Souls and soles

Wandering to the coffee pot without thought of repacking or check-out freed me from a moment of decision.  This moment, a dozen times over before coffee, the morning felt lighter. There was no urgency to do anything but pour a second cup. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Karen & Felicia

Once we got square that he was safe at school, the work was to make sure that he felt safe asking questions because next time, the question may not be so naïve.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Her-sized problems

PC Load Letter noted the display on the analog Printasaurus Rex.  Big problem for me.

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