Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

No horses on the freeway

See, horses don’t belong on the freeway.  Freeways were designed for artificial horsepower and while they can support cars and trucks and motorcycles, thoroughbreds break the system

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

I unfriended a guy

With each post, I snapshot a reflection or a gratitude, exposing a moment of my heart (even if through a sepia-toned filter). All I ask in return is your undying love and affection.  And money.  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Mr. Malbec

This was our introduction to one another.  We ordered another Malbec and attempted to switch gears to the original intent of our meeting, but it was too late.  He had been seen.  There was no going back. 

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

I read kids books

Recently, I came across this new category of books. I think they call it ‘fiction.’ It’s really neat. They’re stories about people and places and things that may not have actually happened and there may not be ‘discussion questions’ or ‘steps to success.’

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Security in knowing home

She knew that if he won the election, she’d make her famous cobbler to celebrate and if he lost, she’d add an extra scoop of ice cream to the same famous cobbler to console.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

What he taught me

This is what good teachers do. They use the platform and the 75 minutes they’re given every other day to pull the best out those in their stewardship.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Dancing DJs

If dancing DJs perform for themselves (or their God as I learned), then to whom am I ‘performing' when I lead meetings or give performance reviews. DJ No Belt was not performing, he was living.

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

"Grown Ass Man"

‘You’re a grown ass man.,’ she admonished, going in for the kill.  ‘Look, this is it.  There is no dress rehearsal. You have kids and a mortgage and life insurance.  What else are you waiting on?”  

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Jonathan McCoy Jonathan McCoy

Leadership in humility: the baptism of an old man

This is why baptism is necessary — it changes things. It doesn’t change God or our salvation, but it changes the people watching. Tripp grew taller as he knelt before the King. I grew bigger as I stood there, arm in arm with men of our tribe, giving my testament to my God and my friend.

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